Wednesday, February 16, 2005


Alright then. We are hours away from departing on the largest of the Snomad road endeavors thus far. Friday afternoon and Saturday afternoon we're knocking out a camera gig shooting college basketball at the Evergreen State College in Washington. After the finish you'll find the Snoburban eating up a clump of I-5, then vast stretches of the formidable I-84. Sometime on Sunday we plan to arrive and prepare to shoot Brighton and Snowbird in Utah. At the end of the week we'll be pointing her due west for a long overdue dose of Lake Tahoe. Kirkwood and Heavenly will be the destinations, friend Eric D's pad in South Lake will be the base for several more days. After this I'm sure a "backroads way" home to Oregon will be in order with plenty of pics and vids to come!

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